Aging Fly Cell Atlas Identifies Exhaustive Aging Features at Cellular Resolution


Aging is characterized by a decline in tissue function, but the underlying changes at cellular resolution across the organism remain unclear. Here, we present the Aging Fly Cell Atlas (AFCA), a single-nucleus transcriptomic map of the whole aging Drosophila. We characterize 162 distinct cell types and perform an in-depth analysis of changes in tissue cell composition, gene expression, and cell identities. We further develop aging clock models to predict the fly age and show that ribosomal gene expression is a conserved predictive factor for age. Combining all aging features, we find unique cell type-specific aging patterns. This atlas provides a valuable resource for studying fundamental principles of aging in complex organisms.

Aging Fly Cell Atlas Identifies Exhaustive Aging Features at Cellular Resolution
Samuel D'Souza
Samuel D'Souza
Software Engineer

Bioinformatics Software Engineer